



How can you improve the customer journey?

How can you improve the customer journey?

7min • Sep 27, 2024

Alexandra Augusti

Alexandra Augusti

Strategy & Operations Manager

Grasping the entirety of the customer journey is vital for companies striving to offer an immersive and captivating experience. This journey includes all steps a potential buyer goes through, starting from their first awareness of a product or brand, through to the purchase and subsequent interactions. The focus here transcends mere transactions, encompassing the comprehensive experience that shapes customers' views, emotions, and ultimately, their devotion and advocacy for the brand.

In the fast-paced business environment of today, mastering the art of mapping and enhancing each phase of the customer journey is critical. This requires the implementation of diverse marketing strategies, the application of analytics for insight, the activation of customer data to marketing platforms and the crafting of impactful content that connects with prospects at each phase.

🌟 By executing this, companies can pinpoint and mitigate customer pain points, elevate the overall experience, and nurture enduring relationships that propel business growth and achievements.

What is the customer journey?

Short definition of the customer journey

The customer journey outlines the complete experience your target audience undergoes, from initial unawareness of your brand to achieving loyal customer status. This expansive journey captures every point of interaction a customer has with your brand, spanning from the first awareness phase, through direct purchases, to the post-purchase stage and onwards. The journey includes every engagement touchpoint, such as social media interactions, website visits, dealings with customer support, and actual purchases.

Key benefits of customer journey analysis

Grasping the concept of the customer journey is essential as it enables businesses to perceive their brand through their customers’ perspectives. By delineating this journey, businesses can pinpoint the distinctive stages of the customer experience, appreciate their audience's needs, desires, and challenges at every phase, and refine the experience to surpass their expectations. This method cultivates a more customer-focused strategy, paving the way for enhanced customer satisfaction, loyalty, and advocacy.

It permits companies to visually comprehend the full scope of the customer experience, identifying areas in need of refinement and prospects for improvement. This comprehension results in superior marketing tactics, optimized sales operations, and improved customer service. Moreover, it encourages a cooperative atmosphere within the organization, ensuring that diverse departments, from marketing to customer support, are in sync and committed to delivering a consistent and gratifying customer journey.

By accurately understanding and mapping out the customer journey, companies can make informed decisions to refine each phase of the journey. This not only elevates the overall customer encounter but also propels business growth by boosting conversion rates, enhancing retention, and fostering customer loyalty.

In summary, the customer journey serves as a blueprint for providing outstanding customer experiences and cultivating enduring connections with your clientele.

What are the stages of a customer journey?

The customer journey is segmented into several distinct stages, each representing a critical phase in the customer's interaction with a brand. Here’s a detailed look at each of these stages:

Awareness Stage

The awareness stage is the initial phase of the customer journey, where potential customers become aware of a brand, product, or service. This can occur passively through advertisements or actively when a customer is searching for a solution to a problem.

At this stage, the goal is to capture the attention of the target audience and build brand recognition. Marketing strategies such as social media campaigns, SEO, and paid media are often employed to increase brand exposure and trust.

Consideration Stage

In the consideration stage, the customer has become aware of the brand and is now evaluating various options to meet their needs.

Here, customers conduct research, compare features and prices, and seek out reviews and recommendations from others. The focus at this stage is to provide valuable information that helps customers make informed decisions. This can include engaging content on the company's website, social media interactions, and interactions with the sales team.

Conversion/Purchase Stage

The conversion or purchase stage is the point at which the customer has gathered all the necessary information and makes the decision to buy.

This stage is pivotal as it involves the actual transaction. To facilitate this stage, businesses use clear and compelling call-to-actions, personalized retargeting ads, and sometimes offer limited-time discounts or promotions to motivate the customer to make the purchase.

Retention Stage

After the purchase, the customer enters the retention stage.

Here, the focus shifts from acquiring new customers to retaining existing ones. The goal is to leave a lasting, positive impression and encourage repeat purchases.

This involves offering best-in-class customer support, proactive follow-up communications with personalized offers, and rewards for loyalty. Effective retention strategies help in building long-term relationships with customers.

Advocacy Stage

The final stage of the customer journey is the advocacy stage. At this point, satisfied customers become loyal advocates who not only continue to purchase from the brand but also recommend it to others.

To foster advocacy, businesses can introduce referral programs, leverage user-generated content, create community spaces for customer engagement, and recognize and celebrate their advocates. This stage is highly valuable as it drives word-of-mouth marketing and can significantly impact brand reputation and growth.

The customer journey is composed of 5 major stages: awareness, consideration, conversion, retention and advocacy

Customer journey: the different stages

How to improve each customer journey stage?

A key use case for data activation is improving the customer journey. To effectively improve each stage of the customer journey, it is essential to perform a thorough customer journey mapping. This process involves identifying the current pain points and areas for improvement at each stage.

👇 Here are some best practices recommendations on how to enhance each stage of the customer journey.

How to improve awareness?

In the awareness stage, the primary goal is to educate prospects about your brand and products without necessarily converting them into buyers immediately. Here are three key best practices to improve this stage:

  • Focus on education: Help consumers understand why they need a product like yours. This can be achieved by creating valuable, informative content such as blog posts, eBooks, white papers, and how-to articles. These content types should address common questions and challenges faced by your target audience, establishing your brand as an authority in the industry.

  • Choose the right channels: Identify and utilize the channels your prospects use most. For example, if your target audience is active on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram, focus your advertising and content distribution efforts there.

  • Be there where your prospect is looking! Ensure that your content is easily discoverable through search engine optimization (SEO) and other search marketing strategies (Tiktok, Instagram, etc.).

  • Increase the reach of your advertising campaigns: Don't hesitate to use lookalikes to target people similar to your ideal customers. In all cases, remember to use only the channels that are relevant to your target.

Lookalike: how it works

How to improve consideration?

In the consideration stage, potential customers are researching whether your company or product is the best fit for their needs. Here are some strategies to enhance this stage:

  • Highlight differentiators: Clearly outline what sets your product or service apart from the competition. This can be done through comparison guides, case studies, and detailed product descriptions.

  • Collect and showcase customers reviews: Gather as many reviews as possible and prominently display them on your website and other marketing materials. Reviews act as strong social proof and can significantly influence a customer’s decision.

  • Show reassuring elements: Use third-party endorsements such as customer partners testimonials, podcasts, and webinars to build trust.

  • Retargeting ads for prospects who have visited your website can also help keep your brand top of mind during their research phase.

How to improve conversion?

To improve the conversion stage, you need to analyze the customer journey mapping to identify and eliminate any purchase barriers. Here are some strategies to consider:

  • Analyze and address barriers: Use customer journey mapping to understand the pain points that might be preventing conversions (delivery fee, payment failures, etc.). Address these issues by simplifying the purchase process or providing clear, concise information about this process.

  • Provide incentives: Offer incentives such as free delivery, discounts, or limited-time promotions to motivate customers to complete the purchase. Running ads with time-sensitive offers can also drive conversions (e.g. “Only 1h left to take advantage of this special discount!”).

  • Collaborate with sales teams: Regularly communicate with your sales teams to gather insights and find new ways to improve the conversion process. This collaboration can help in identifying and resolving any bottlenecks in the sales funnel.

  • Leverage remarketing: Target users who have interrupted their purchasing process with targeted remarketing campaigns to re-engage them. Don't hesitate to use the various channels at your disposal: CRM, advertising platforms, etc.

How third-party cookies work: Third-party cookies are used to track online behavior and retarget customers. If someone sees an article on a site A, leave that website and surf the web, it's very likely that he sees an ads for this specific article on a site B.

Third-party cookies are used to track online behavior and retarget customers

How to improve retention?

Improving the retention stage is critical, as the chances of selling to an existing happy customer are significantly higher than to a new customer. Here are some best practices to enhance retention:

  • Maintain regular communications: Keep in touch with your customers through regular emails, newsletters, or other communication channels. This helps in maintaining a strong relationship and keeps your brand in their minds.

  • Create personalized content: Use first-party data to create personalized content that resonates with your customers. This can include tailored product recommendations and exclusive offers based on their preferences and behaviors. You can use artificial intelligence recommendations to promote cross-sell and up-sell opportunities.

  • Establish a seamless relationship: Ensure that the customer experience is seamless across all touchpoints.

Leverage predictive analytics to identify at-risk customers and proactively engage with them to prevent churn. Offering product recommendations can also enhance their overall experience and encourage repeat purchases.

How to improve advocacy?

In the vital stage of advocacy, our aim morphs into transforming satisfied consumers into steadfast brand advocates who eagerly recommend our offerings to others.

Embarking on this mission, we employ several tactics to fortify our bond with these customers:

  • Acknowledge customer feedback: Expressing gratitude for customer feedback and incorporating it into enhancing our products and services signifies our high regard for their input. This action reflects our commitment to their satisfaction and enriches their overall experience with our brand.

  • Offer special incentives: As a gesture of your appreciation for their enduring loyalty and the recommendations they make, you can bestow upon your loyal customers exclusive benefits. These perks can range from VIP status and discounts to complimentary products, serving as tangible tokens of our gratitude.

  • Simplify Referrals: You can streamline the referral process, enabling your devoted clientele to effortlessly introduce your brand to their acquaintances, colleagues, and kin. By fostering an environment conducive to social media sharing and rewarding successful referrals, you further incentivize this advocacy.

Technically, how can this be achieved with?

To technically implement and enhance each stage of the customer journey, you need to follow a structured approach that involves data centralization, segmentation, integration with marketing tools, and continuous iteration.

Step 1: Collect and centralize all customer data

The first step is to collect and centralize all customer data into a single, unified database, such as a data warehouse (or a Customer Data Platform, CDP). This centralization is essential for reducing data silos, improving data quality, and providing a single source of truth for your organization.

Data warehouses, like those provided by Snowflake, BigQuery, or Redshift, serve as the central location to collect and store all incoming data from various sources. This includes data from sales, marketing, customer support, and other first-party and third-party sources.

Customer 360, centralizing all customer data

Step 2: Segment your database by customer journey stages

Once the data is centralized, segment your database based on the different stages of the customer journey (awareness, consideration, conversion, retention, and advocacy). This segmentation helps in understanding the specific needs and behaviors of customers at each stage.

For example, you can segment prospects from the “consideration” stage based on their interaction history and engagement levels to tailor your marketing strategies accordingly.

Step 3: Make data available in marketing tools

Ensure that the segmented data is accessible and integrated with your various marketing tools. Here’s how you can make this data available for different stages:

  • Awareness Stage: Integrate data with social media platforms, content management systems, and other channels where you engage with potential customers.

  • Conversion Stage: Use Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems to access customer data and personalize the sales process. Send data to advertising platforms for retargeting purposes.

  • Retention and Advocacy Stages: Utilize CRM and customer support tools to maintain regular communications and offer personalized content and offers to existing customers.

DinMo sends the online and offline data which is stored in your data warehouse to your marketing platforms.

Data Activation

Step 4: Run marketing campaigns and iterate

With the data integrated into your marketing tools, you can now run targeted marketing campaigns tailored to each stage of the customer journey.

  • Execute campaigns based on the segmented data. For instance, run social media ads for awareness, send personalized emails for consideration, offer incentives for conversion, and provide loyalty programs for retention.

  • Iterate and optimize: Continuously monitor the performance of these campaigns and iterate based on the feedback and data insights. Use analytics to identify what works and what doesn’t, and make necessary adjustments to improve the customer experience and campaign effectiveness.

By following these steps, you can technically achieve a cohesive and data-driven approach to enhancing each stage of the customer journey, leading to improved customer experiences and increased business success.


In a nutshell, mastering the nuances of the customer journey is imperative for fostering an environment that not only captivates but also retains prospect and customer interest, ultimately propelling business success and growth.

Every phase within the customer journey spectrum, from the initial awareness to the pivotal advocacy stage, demands meticulous planning and execution. By effectively gathering and centralizing critical customer data, categorizing this information based on the respective stages of the customer journey, and synchronizing it with your marketing mechanisms, crafting campaigns that resonate on a personal level with your audience becomes feasible.

DinMo, a pioneering customer data platform, stands as a beacon for businesses striving to refine their marketing strategies. Its unparalleled capability to natively connect to your data warehouse, unveil a comprehensive 360-degree perspective of your consumer base, and facilitate seamless audience synchronization across diverse platforms through one-click activation, streamlines the complex process of harnessing customer data for marketing purposes.

🌟 To explore the transformative potential of DinMo, a free trial can be secured by contacting us!

About the authors

Alexandra Augusti

Alexandra Augusti

Strategy & Operations Manager

A graduate of CentraleSupélec and ESSEC Business School, Alexandra is a data specialists. She worked as Data Marketing Consultant at M13h, where she assisted several companies in leveraging their internal data by creating dedicated platforms. In her role at DinMo, Alexandra optimizes our business operations and works closely with our CEO to provide strategic insights that will help each team bring their A-game.


Table of content

  • What is the customer journey?
  • What are the stages of a customer journey?
  • How to improve each customer journey stage?
  • Technically, how can this be achieved with?
  • Conclusion

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