



What is Identity Resolution?

What is Identity Resolution?

4min • Jul 17, 2024

Alexandra Augusti

Alexandra Augusti

Strategy & Operations Manager

Identity resolution plays a crucial role in developing a unique customer profile by analyzing and associating data collected through various touch points and systems. It is fundamental for refining marketing strategies and delivering a personalized customer experience.

This unification process can be achieved through software, particularly Customer Data Platforms (CDPs).

👉🏼 In this article, we define what identity resolution is and explain why it is essential for your marketing strategy.

What is identity resolution?

Identity resolution is a process that involves creating a unique and targetable profile for each customer by analyzing and linking data from multiple touch points and systems. Touch points encompass various ways a customer interacts with your brand, including the website, mobile app, social media, emails, and more online channels.

The foundation of identity resolution relies on the ability to identify and associate different identifiers corresponding to a single customer, such as their email, cookie ID, and device identifier, among others. This process ensures accurate matching of customer identities across multiple devices and channels.

One key aspect of identity resolution is the use of an identity graph, which acts as a database connecting a customer's profile to all known identifiers such as physical addresses, email addresses, phone numbers, and device IDs. This enables a comprehensive view of the consumer journey.

Identity resolution enables the creation of a 360-degree view of any customer (also known as Customer 360), which can be utilized in any system or marketing campaign. This holistic profile is crucial for effective marketing and business strategies.

Why is identity resolution necessary in marketing?

Successfully communicating with customers is not easy:

  • The advertising landscape is saturated, with each person exposed to an average of 1,200 messages per day.

  • The number of possible touch points is increasing, making it challenging to maintain a consistent message across all channels.

Despite this, customers are increasingly demanding, seeking an effective and transparent omnichannel relationship and greater personalization. Identity resolution helps in creating a consistent user experience across various touch points.

Customer 360 generation

Identity resolution aids in achieving data onboarding, which involves transferring offline data to an online environment to create a comprehensive customer profile and facilitate personalized marketing efforts. This helps in matching offline identifiers with online user profiles.

The ability to generate such a 360-degree view is essential for effectively segmenting the audience, refining targeting, and personalizing communication approaches while ensuring consistency across all channels. Indeed, identity resolution is crucial for enabling deeper product insights and accurate understanding of user journeys, which are essential for delivering personalized experiences and ensuring better customer engagement. It allows marketers to create accurate, individualized profiles of customers.

Customer 360, centralizing all customer data

Improved decision making through data

Access to a comprehensive representation of customers enhances the understanding of their behavior, satisfaction level, loyalty, and added value. This becomes a powerful lever to refine marketing strategies, accurately evaluate return on investment, identify growth opportunities, and anticipate potential risks. Proper data management is key to this process.

Holistic understanding of the customer journey

With cross-channel tracking, identity resolution allows for the analysis of the complete customer journey, highlighting their motivations, potential hesitations, and obstacles encountered. This broad perspective enables the orchestration of a smooth and transparent customer experience, finely adjusted at each engagement stage, from awareness to loyalty.

Ensuring security and regulatory compliance

In full compliance with personal data protection standards, identity resolution ensures security for both customers and brand reputation. In a regulatory environment marked by the phasing out of third-party cookies, it relies on first-party data collected from consumers, enabling accurate user identification while preserving the relevance and effectiveness of marketing campaigns. Privacy remains a fundamental concern in this process.

At the end of 2024, companies will have to manage the centralization, the segmentation and the orchestration their data, as the automatic collection of customer interactions with 3rd party cookies will no longer be possible.

Companies will have to manage the centralization, the segmentation and the orchestration their data

Enhanced predictive modeling

Identity resolution is key to obtaining a broad and reliable set of customer data from any source, reflecting the customer journey. This database is essential for building a learning base for machine learning and artificial intelligence algorithms. Better customer knowledge leads to better detection of behavioral and transactional patterns, resulting in improved predictions (such as lookalikes, churn risk, additional expected LTV, etc.).

How does identity resolution work?

There are two types of identity resolution: deterministic matching and probabilistic matching.

Deterministic resolution

✅ Deterministic resolution involves identifying deterministic identifiers that ensure a direct and reliable correlation between an identifier and a customer (e.g., email, phone number, social media account, etc.). The advantage? Precise matching every time. This approach is well-suited when your customers willingly log in or register on your different online channels. However, when you lack first-party data to identify a person, you miss out on certain information and may only have a partial view of their customer journey.

Probabilistic resolution

🎲 Probabilistic resolution relies on complex statistical algorithms to assess the likelihood that a specific identifier belongs to a particular customer, such as cookie ID, device identifier, IP address, and others. This method increases the chances of accurate entity matching across multiple digital touchpoints.

This method allows for a broader coverage of customers, including those who have never provided identifiable personal data (never logged in, for example). However, there is always a risk of misidentifying the individual. This type of matching relies on sophisticated data modeling techniques.

It is the method of choice for situations where first-party data is scarce or when wide dissemination is a priority.

Which method to choose?

Of course, identity resolution is not black and white. It is possible to combine deterministic and probabilistic approaches to be as comprehensive and accurate as possible in recognizing your customers. You can choose a degree of certainty (e.g., 80%), beyond which you accept the risk of an individual being misidentified. These hybrid models help businesses achieve a higher resolution in customer profile matching.

Often, Customer Data Platforms (CDPs) are used to centralize, transform, and aggregate data from all sources to orchestrate this process. They also allow the implementation of marketing use cases that stem from a Customer 360 view, ensuring accurate cross-device user matching.


Identity resolution proves to be crucial for digital marketing, offering a complete 360-degree view of each customer. It opens the door to advanced analysis, informs data-driven decision-making, provides a comprehensive view of the customer journey, and addresses security and compliance challenges head-on. The integration of multiple data sources into a single platform is key to achieving this.

For companies ready to embrace identity resolution within their digital marketing strategy, Customer Data Platforms (CDPs) greatly facilitate the process. These platforms help in creating accurate, matched profiles that ensure consistency and precision across marketing efforts.

🌟 If you want to learn more about our identity resolution methods and how our modular CDP approach can help you, feel free to contact us.

About the authors

Alexandra Augusti

Alexandra Augusti

Strategy & Operations Manager

A graduate of CentraleSupélec and ESSEC Business School, Alexandra is a data specialists. She worked as Data Marketing Consultant at M13h, where she assisted several companies in leveraging their internal data by creating dedicated platforms. In her role at DinMo, Alexandra optimizes our business operations and works closely with our CEO to provide strategic insights that will help each team bring their A-game.


Table of content

  • What is identity resolution?
  • Why is identity resolution necessary in marketing?
  • How does identity resolution work?
  • Conclusion

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